Dear Friends & Family -

Lots of people are asking and you might be wondering:  What are my plans for next year? Well, I'm glad to say that I have been accepted to serve in a year-long internship with Love Thy Neighborhood (LTN), a ministry loves on people who are hurting in the inner-city of Louisville, KY. I am going to be living and serving with other Christian young adults that are in the same stages of life like me. Together with a local church, we’re committed to serving as urban missionaries to impact lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

After serving with LTN over the summer, I am now excited to return for an entire year!  LTN pairs each Team Member with an existing partner ministry to serve. During my next phase of service, I will be working with a Refugee and Immigrant ministry.  Here I will get to hear the stories of those who may have come to the United States under very difficult circumstances and are trying to find their way.  I am excited to get to relate to them as my own life story is that of an immigrant, and I have had my own experiences of navigating a new culture.  I am also hopeful to work with some children and get to assist with after-school tutoring and English language classes.

In addition to the 30 hours per week I will be at my service site, I will also spend 15 hours a week building relationships with my neighbors and then another 15 hours a week on personal spiritual growth, through the teachings and leadership of LTN. 

This internship will strengthen my faith in Christ while also growing my life skills and getting me ready for adulthood. LTN’s mission is to grow young adults into servant leaders. It will be a challenging, exhausting, enlightening year of my life that I look forward to sharing with you.

As a LTN  Team Member, my goal is to raise an additional $11,900 for 11 months of service to cover the cost of my monthly needs including housing, groceries, public transportation, training, curriculum, etc. This will also allow me to serve the ministry during my program.  

Anything you can commit will bring me closer to that goal and make this opportunity possible. I am looking for one-time gifts and also monthly support.  I can’t do this without you. I know the Lord has called me to LTN and I need your help. Not just finances, I also need your prayer support. If you want to receive my monthly newsletters let me know that as well. I will definitely need and appreciate that kind of support as this is a big step for me to take. Thank you for your support! I look forward to sharing more with you when my service begins!  I’m so excited for this chance to serve and learn over the next year.

Thank you and God bless,

Paulina Kroeze

If you'd like to read one of my newsletters from the summer, click here!

  • $15,585


  • $15,500


  • 47


  • 33

    Days Remaining

Recent Transactions

  • Anonymous

    $99.81 monthly / 68 days ago

    Valued At: $1,197.72

  • Robert Klingen

    $257.25 / 126 days ago

  • Janet Diaz

    $75.00 / 139 days ago

  • Ian Rosario

    $452.76 / 161 days ago

  • Robert Klingen

    $257.25 / 168 days ago

  • Emilie Gonzalez

    $51.45 monthly / 202 days ago

    Valued At: $617.40

    Paulina, we are so excited about who you are and what you are doing! It’s been a joy to follow along with your newsletters! We just needed to wait until the new year to support financially but are happy we get to now! Love you! Eddie and Emilie

  • Noel & Rhoda Owuor

    $51.45 / 214 days ago

    We are thankful for you and praying that God continues to lead and grow you as you labor in His harvest field. May He fulfill His purposes in and through you Psalm 138:8.

  • Samantha Kachler

    $25.73 / 224 days ago

  • Rebecca Tyler

    $51.45 / 234 days ago

    Paulina, Praying for you and your team. Keep doing God's work and He will guide you in app things.

  • Amber Davidson

    $154.35 / 246 days ago

  • Robert Klingen

    $514.50 / 250 days ago

  • Edwin Rosario

    $50.00 / 256 days ago

  • Nancy Kroeze

    $300.00 / 256 days ago

  • Melanie White

    $51.45 / 258 days ago

  • Ana Gosliga

    $102.90 / 265 days ago

    May the Lord bless you and the many you serve through this ministry!

  • Salliann Ran

    $102.90 / 265 days ago

    So proud of you, Paulina! Keep serving Jesus!

  • Eva Kroeze

    $500.00 / 266 days ago

    We are delighted to hear of your labors of love with immigrants and their children, youremorional, spiritual, and social growth with your cohort, roommates, and church. We are praying for God to mold you for His use in the Kingdom. Bless you, Sunshine!

  • Kim Westra

    $102.90 / 267 days ago

  • Evonne Malnati

    $51.45 / 267 days ago

  • Charlene Klingen

    $102.90 / 267 days ago

  • Nancy Kroeze

    $300.00 / 281 days ago

  • Karen Scully

    $50.00 / 288 days ago

    So happy to support you, Paulina, as you serve in your Gap Year.

  • Rebecca Tyler

    $51.45 / 298 days ago

    Keep listening to God's voice and making Him known. I'm excited to hear about what God will do through you this year.

  • Paulina Kroeze

    $1,000.00 / 331 days ago

  • Ruth Vazquez

    $51.45 / 338 days ago

    Paulina, I am so incredibly proud of you! I know God has incredible plans for you and your team!! Be blessed!

About Paulina Kroeze

I will be going to Louisville, KY with Love Thy Neighborhood starting in May 2023  I love young children and know God has called me to work with kids in the future, so this opportunity will give me unique experiences to prepare me for whatever God may have for me in the future.