Through my internship serving the local church in the neighborhood of South Louisville, I'm making an impact on the lost and hurting world through the power of the Christ.
  • $3,913


  • $3,900


  • 12


  • 5

    Days Remaining

Recent Transactions

  • Erin Moore

    $464.08 / 59 days ago

    Praying for you Daniel!

  • Erin Moore

    $100.00 / 89 days ago

    Go Dan!

  • Jennifer Kreider

    $1,029.00 / 99 days ago

  • Toby Plyter

    $25.73 / 101 days ago

  • Amanda Pugh

    $205.80 / 108 days ago

  • Paul Johnston

    $102.90 / 108 days ago

  • Eleanor White

    $1,029.00 / 109 days ago

    Daniel, Grandpa and Grandma love you so much! We are so blessed to have you in our lives. We are proud of you and all you have accomplished . We support you in God's work and we will keep you in our prayers. May God bless you as you serve Him this summer. love, Grandma and Grandpa White

  • JR Woodward

    $102.90 / 114 days ago

  • Leo Ayala

    $102.90 / 115 days ago

  • Karen Martin

    $200.00 / 119 days ago

    Cool opportunity Daniel! God be with you.

  • Anonymous

    $51.45 / 120 days ago

    Hey brother I've been there man, and it was a great opportunity, so spread Jesus love your roommates and have a blast ❤️

  • LTN Scholarship

    $500.00 / 200 days ago

About Daniel White

I'm an artist and musician who is deeply compelled by the love of Jesus to care for the forgotten, the marginalized, and the rejected.

As part of the Love Thy Neighborhood Intensive, I will be joining Sojourn Carlisle in Louisville, KY for the Church Ministry internship this summer. My team and I will serve the local community of South End Louisville as well as the church itself. This is an incarnational way to spread God’s mission, His blessing, and His care, things I value deeply, and your love & support is integral to helping this happen.

The Intensive requires a fundraising campaign to help benefit our cause for God’s work. That’s why my goal here is to raise $3,900 for groceries, travel, training programs, etc. If you can support financially, I would be honored and most grateful. You can donate right here on this page, and any amount helps a great deal in reaching our goal.

Whether you have resources to give financially or not I would appreciate your prayer support as I prepare to share in this work as well as throughout the summer while I am serving in this program. I will be sending updates in a newsletter about the work that I am partnering in with God and my team and would love to share what is happening with you as a supporter.

Thank you for your efforts in supporting our team in helping spread the love of Christ. God bless.