Through my internship serving families of children with special needs, I'm making an impact on the lost and hurting world through the power of the Gospel.
  • $11,234


  • $11,900


  • 25


  • 33

    Days Remaining

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About Brooke Fishback

    I am so excited to tell you that I have been called back to the missions field after a year of praying, processing, and actively seeking out what God is setting up for the next phase of my life. As of this coming fall, I will be serving with Love Thy Neighborhood in Louisville, Kentucky. The internship I will be working alongside with is Barren Heights, a Christ-centered non-profit organization in which they love, encourage, and support families impacted by physical or developmental disabilities. I am so excited to be a part of this, as this was my top choice for internships!

     I will be with Barren Heights for 20-30 hours each week, loving on those who come through the ministry, as well as working alongside others with the same passions in this particular area of service. When I am not working at my site, 15 hours of every week will be spent participating in community service to help build relationships with my inner LTN community as well as the outer Louisville community. An additional 15 hours will be designated for curriculum in which will focus on our spiritual and personal growth. 

    I’m looking forward to continuing my missions journey as I am completely trusting God will be with me every step of the way and will guide me, even in times of uncertainty. As I walk with the Lord through this, I would also greatly appreciate support from my friends and family. The best way that I would love for you to help is simply by your prayers. Prayer for my teammates, for those we come into contact with, for the internships we will serve with, for safe travels to and from, and most importantly, that God will continue to transform my life as He works through me to impact those around me. 

    Another way you may choose to join me is by financial donation. I am trusting that God will provide me with my end goal of $11,900 with having at least 50% funded by September 5, 2023. This money will cover training, housing, groceries, team retreats, and whatever else God sees fit to use it for. If the Lord blesses me with more than the initial cost, the rest will go towards other team members to ensure their continued internship! Overall, these funds will cover not only me, but my whole team in which we will work together to create a positive living community.

     I am looking forward to all God has for me in this next year as He is writing my story. I have the confidence that God will do amazing things in me and through this internship. I will be giving updates throughout the year to share how it has impacted me and the ways I’ve seen God move. Your prayers are always appreciated and much needed. I thank You in advance for however the Lord leads you.